Debbie Pottinger


Back in 2017, as Debbie was getting dressed for a friend's wedding, she felt the lump. She knew in her gut that something was wrong. After seeing her doctor and going for a mammogram and ultrasound, her worst fears were realized - Debbie was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.

Debbie was planning a baby shower for her daughter and not wanting to spoil her daughter's excitement, decided to wait until after the event to tell her family the news. Her fight began with a left mastectomy and continued with 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 25 rounds of radiation and Herceptin treatments.

Debbie credits her deep connection with nature and acceptance of time required to heal as being an integral part of her recovery. However, the birth of her grandson just after her surgery is what really kept her going: "Here is this little baby kind of saying here I am grandma, I'm here, so you have got to continue on." And Debbie has done just that!

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