Diana Fraser


At 28 years old, Diana was having a great year with a huge promotion on the horizon. However, things took a turn just after 29th birthday, when she was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

Diana doesn't know what prompted her to feel her breast when her bra strap slipped, but she unexpectedly felt a lump. Describing herself as somewhat of a hypochondriac, she promptly went to the doctor to have it checked. Her doctor didn't seem to be concerned, so Diana waited a month to schedule the suggested ultrasound. On January 31st, her 29th birthday, she went in for a biopsy and mammogram. One week later, she was diagnosed.

After surgery, egg preservation, 8 rounds of chemotherapy over 16 weeks and 20 rounds of radiation, the "Bay Street Hippie" began blogging as an outlet. "I found it exhausting trying to pretend everything was fine and answering prodding questions, so I started blogging. That was a game changer. I felt less isolated, was connecting with other people and it was an outlet for myself." This fierce warrior had the incredible support of family and friends - in particular, her boss who met her every second Thursday for breakfast, always reassuring her that her job was safe.

Three months after her return to work, Diana got the promotion she was hoping for - "It was a great end to a crappy year!"

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